

  • Location - Country: Italy - Riccione
  • Time frame: 2000-2004
  • Works amount: € 54'227'974.40
  • Scope of works: Detailed design, construction supervision, laboratory tests and surveys for the realization of the theme park Oltremare
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Poject involves construction of thematic park about sea, animals life and marine flora, called "OLTREMARE". The areas subject of the intervention are located on Riccione hill and it extends for ​​about 122,000 square meters. The entrance is placed on Ascoli Piceno Street, close to current entrance to "AQUAFAN" park. On the square there will be some buildings containing visitor reception and services. The project also includes urban roads adjacent to the park, urbanization works and drainage and regulation of meteoric flows. Park's activities will develop in various buildings (dolphinarium basins and tribunes, Museum of Life, Open-air Theater, IMAX Three-Dimensional Cinema, Restaurant, ...). SGAI S.r.l. design various interventions that can be summarized in several main sectors, such as:

  • Geotechnical works;
  • Civil engineering structural works;
  • Road works;
  • Drainage and hydraulic regulation works;
  • Geology and laboratory tests and situ geotechnical tests.

Total intervention is very complexed because most of buildings are developed undergroud. Architectural design was preceded by surveys and laboratory tests in order to define clearly geology of the place. This fact has strongly influenced initial project choices.