RAILWAY STATION - Line AV/AC Reggio Emilia
SGAI S.r.l. dealt with detailed structural design about foundation system, elevation walls and railway platform about "Top covering of new railway station, Milano - Bologna railway line" in Reggio Emilia. Was decide to realize a deep foundation, made by bored piles in reinforced concrete (1 m diameter) connected by plinth foundation (thickness 1.5 m). Under each plinth there are 8 piles that have a depth included between 35 and 40 meters. Piles position was decided in order to reduct interference with Mancasale viaduct existing piles. Railway platform is supported on external side by metal formwork beam with a concrete slab supported by metal support. On internal side by reinforced concrete walls conncected by beams. Railway platform has a width about 6 m and a 483 m lenght.