

Innovative solutions for each engineering sector

SGAI: we are an Engineering and Geology Company in search of continuos improvement with innovattive solutions for each field of applicaton.

Our strength is the trust of our Customers as well as the satisfaction in doing our job.

The skills and know-how achieved allow us to ddevelop an integrated approach to each stage of development of an infrastructural project, from geological studies to the design.

Our skills have been developed over the years working on the variegated and difficult terrain both in Italy and abroad and in contact with most major construction company.

The design process followed by SGAI is based on these criteria: 

  • Identification of key issues and their articulation into topics that represent the different aspects of the problem to be analyzed and quantified in the course of the design;
  • Summary description of the development;
  • Indication of some of the most accredited criteria and methods.


The foundation of every project we undertake is our commitment to engineering solutions that reduce design time and accelerate project development. We achieve this through close collaboration with our clients and stringent design processes that produce high quality, cost effective professional engineering design.

Whether it’s a road/ highway project or updating an existing bridge/ viaduct , our collaborative approach ensures all our clients are included in the decision making process at every stage of the project . This close partnership produces the best design solution and leads to faster implementation of technology solutions at an optional cost. Some benefits of this approach are:

  • Clear and precise scope boundaries by quantifying and justifying the investment required for a given benefit;
  • Fewer scope changes and more fluid management of change;
  • Identification of project risks early in the design phase so actions can be taken to mitigate their impact.
Civil and Industrial Structures

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The know-how gained over the years in the fields of geotechnical and civil infrastructures has had a natural evolution also in the area of ​​the main civil engineering structures, in close contact with an increasingly demanding general contractor also in terms of aesthetics and not only of solutions in a purely structural context.
We have developed experience in the design and renovation of public and private buildings in Italy and abroad, also using new technologies in BIM.
Our competences include the monitoring and analysis of the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings.
Thanks to our experience and the strong collaboration of our team, made up of engineers and geologists, in the study of soil-structure interaction, our strength is the design of foundation works with complex boundary conditions.
We have collaborated with the most important architects, including arch. Santiago calatrava, arch. Jean Nouvel, arch. George Lorenzon, arch. Graham Cooke and many others.

Hydraulic Structures, Maritime Engineering, Dams

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SGAI has been operating as a consultant and a designer in the field of hydraulic works, dams and maritime-fluvial works for more than 40 years.
For these experiences and know-how SGAI can follow the design of a work since feasibility studies with the hydrological, hydraulic and hydrogeological assessments combined with the topography and the evaluation of the optimal storage volumes in relation to the hydrological and hydraulic regimes. Also the approach on different dams is faced in the feasibility phase, together with a careful evaluation and study of the interferences and the environmental and social impact of the work.
Thanks to our experience and the close collaboration of our team, made up of engineers and geologists, in the study of soil-structure interaction, our strengths are also the design and interpretation of geotechnical investigations, the evaluation of solutions for the land consolidation in the maritime environment and calculations with cutting-edge software.

Bridges and Viaducts

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SGAI for several decades deals with desingning bridges and viaducts. Over the years, the office has developed its skills and knowledge regarding this type of major works following the evolution of construction techniques, structural types, materials, as well as the evolving regulatory framework also related to the introduction of the Eurocodes.
SGAI using various inner organizational units such as structural design, road design, geotechnical design, characterization on soils and rocks laboratory, as well as technical drawings, has the possibility to conduct the design of bridges and viaducts in a wider aspects: starting from urban and suburban, through the architectural and structural design, to the study of the mutual interaction between soil depth and structure.
In relation to the intervention peculiarities and to the boundary conditions that occur from time to time, the office offers the possibility, in accordance with the requests of the client, to plan various structural types both for what concerns the substructures and for the structures constituting the bridge.
In addition to the design of new structures, the office also offers the possibility to conduct evaluations on existing bridge structures for seismic vulnerability analysis, study of improvement and seismic upgrading.
Through FEM modeling, thanks to the best technical software on the market, the structures are examined in all their development phases: from construction phases of the work in accordance with the time course of the mechanical characteristics of resistant sections, to the launch of the deck structures, and the interaction of the foundation structures with the soil, until the verification of the final configuration of the structures in relation to the loads of regulations both in static and dynamic field.
In the subsequent phases of design, SGAI ensures technical assistance on site, immediate response to the requests of the client, drawing up of additional projects to the work as well as customer service in the testing phase.

Tunnels and Major Underground Structures

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The SGAI activities in the field of underground works date back to the late 1960s, when the project focused on the construction of the front tunnels of dams and artificial basins. Since then the business has gradually expanded, first inside within the tunnels for water aqueduct and sewerage networks, to then develop the SGAI activities in the field of underground works date back to the late 1960s, when the project focused on the construction of the front tunnels of dams and artificial basins for rail and road networks. Following, it is investing also continued the field of urban tunnels, both for the construction of underground lines both for the construction of underground car parks and buildings, both for the rehabilitation of existing structures.
All different design aspects are studied, analyzed and produced using tested calculation programs, some of which directly developed inside, so as to provide what serves for the execution of the works and follow, assist the client in the most appropriate technological choices for:

  • Identify the excavation method, both of the traditional type (D & B, SCL), is mechanized (TBM), more suitable advancement in safety conditions for the operators and for the overall stability;
  • Define the interventions of consolidation, drainage, support and final coating in order that the stability of the mass and the control of the induced displacements, are within the boundary of the excavation, both on the surface, they should be required for the mitigation of the effects related to the excavation.
Geotechnics and Special Foundations

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The SGAI activities in the wide field of geotechnics and in particular for the foundations and supporting structures of the excavations date back to the late 60s. Since then, numerous and increasingly demanding activities have been undertaken using primarily internal resources of the company, employed directly for the investigation, for the design and for the development of dedicated software. Nowadays are also used commercial calculation programs, validated and widely distributed.
All different design aspects are studied, analyzed and produced using tested calculation programs, some of which still developed directly inside, in order to provide what serves best for the execution of the works and their development, assist the client in the most approriate technological choices to define the interventions of consolidation, drainage, and foundation support that the lithological and lithostratigraphic characteristics of the site concerned would require for optimal success of interventions.
Thanks to our experience and the close collaboration of our team, made up of engineers and geologists, in the study of soil-structure interaction, our strengths are also the planning and supervision of in situ geotechnical investigations and laboratory tests, the definition of local stratigraphy and of the mechanical characteristics of the soil, in order to obtain the correct geotechnical parameters for the design. On the basis of a vast knowledge of the instability mechanisms found in Italy and abroad, our skills also include the identification of landslides, the verification of slope stability under static and seismic conditions and the design of stabilization methods for the slopes.

Roads and Railways

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The basis of the study of the road design is conducted by means of the prior analysis of the different design codes, (Italian or international), optionally still in the definition, for the purpose to use the main assumptions and highlight any limits (for comparison with standards of proven validity).

The main purpose is to analyze the different objectives of the design, in terms of requalification or redesign of a route, highlighting:

  • The implementation of traffic safety conditions, ensuring certain levels of service;
  • The improvement of the conditions of regional accessibility;
  • The provision to the network with the connectivity features of the transportation system which is part of;
  • Contribute to the territorial reorganization aimed at rebalancing objectives of urban systems and punctual services of collective use;
  • Adaptation of the road networks in the proper purpose of civil protection, in order to be guaranteed the links for a certain region and / or pass through it.


Road and railway design follows an iterative process that subordinates the technical choices, although the classification of the different routes part of the network, checking for effects caused, in order to achieve the best balance between functional requirements, economic and environmental, which ensures the best budget impact.
The solutions we propose to our clients include different methods of construction, stabilization, drainage, scour protection and reduction of environmental impacts. We always take into consideration cost optimization, ease of maintenance and possibility of further developments.
The design is assisted by automatic calculation programs such as Bentley Moss Mx, AutoCAD Civil 3D and Digicorp Civil Design, through which you can analyze the possible solutions to problems encountered by getting all project documents such as plan profiles and sections in addition the verification of the standards and regulation , verification of visibility and the calculation of quantities and material movements.

Energy, Oil & Gas

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Water, Mineral Water, Environmental Geology

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The specialized sector of SGAI On Waters, and mineral and thermal waters, started in the seventies, when the geologist E. Forlani was pioneer of the first major hydro geological studies, hydromineral and plant engineering of italian waters and mineral waters, at the same period of time Forlani developed hydrogeological studies for Africa – Sahel after disastrous drought of that years.
Subsequently over time was consolidated as SGAI refered as a high level company in the research sector of water, thermal and mineral water, and public waters, hydrogeological studies, and also service and design of acqueducts, purification plants, bottling plants or plants for spas and thermal beauty treatment centers, with the use of the most modern monitoring methods and hydrochemical and isotopic modeling, hydrogeological and structural, and on site surveys.
The company performs on site work supervision activities, starting from hydrogeological research phase through exploratory drilling until the collection and verification of intake work execution.
It uses advanced techniques, collection and use of materials. It is also responsible for hygene and health protection of groundwater through delimitation of sources from safeguarded zones. This guarantees complete protection and enhancement of precious natural groundwater resources. The verification of such sustainability is performed by means of monitoring.

Minimizing risk and ensuring your project’s success by selecting experienced team and utilizing the latest technology to deliver fit for purpose design solutions

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